pluginv build script ==================== The ``pluginv`` build script is available in the development environment after the environment is set up according to :ref:`gettingstarted-label` section. This section lists the main options and tasks provided by the pluginv script. Every command is to be executed in the virtual environment created by pipenv, that is after ``pipenv shell`` is invoked to activate the virtual environment. Version of Plugin SDK --------------------- To get the Plugin SDK version on the command line, execute the following command: .. code-block:: bash pluginv -V Snapshot build -------------- To build a snapshot version of the plugin, use the command .. code-block:: bash pluginv dist which checks the consistency of administrative data for the plugin, add the current time to the version in MANIFEST and create the plugin ZIP package. See the next section for details about the ZIP build. Release build ------------- To build a release version of the plugin, use the command .. code-block:: bash pluginv release which checks the consistency of administrative data for the plugin and create the plugin ZIP package. The ZIP package creation involves invoking several tools from the pipenv tool chain such as ``pipenv``, ``virtualenv`` and ``pip``. During the build a new virtual environment is created in the ``build`` directory while the final ZIP package is placed in ``dist`` directory. The name of the distributable ZIP package is the name of the plugin plus the version number followed by the zip extension. Run test scenarios ------------------ If you want to test your AA plugin, use the ``run-scenario`` subcommand to run an authentication scenario of your choice. You can list the available scenarios with the ``--list-scenarios`` flag, and when you want to run it, can specify the scenario name with the ``--name`` parameter. If you don't specify a name, all the scenarios will run. The ``--config-file`` parameter is the name of a pre-written config file the plugin will use. You can also specify target- and gateway username, which you can do with the ``--target-username`` and ``--gateway-username`` options. It is the gateway username that should be authenticated by the AA plugin, its default is "gatewayuser". .. code-block:: bash pluginv run-scenario --name=RdpWithGatewayAuth --config-file=config.ini --run-only-aa-steps