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6. AA plugin development

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6.2. Plugin development

6.1. Common configuration options

The common AA plugin functionality can be configured by the following configuration options.

###### Common plugin options ######
# To enable or change a parameter, uncomment its line by removing the ';'
# character and replacing the right side of '=' with the desired value.
# If the parameter has the following structure
# ; name=<value>
# then the related option is turned off until you replace '<value>'.
# If the parameter has the following structure
# ; name=value
# then the related option is is automatically turned on with the default value
# of 'value'.
# To handle sensitive data, you can use a local Credential Store to retrieve
# parameters from.
# Enter the name of the local Credential Store (Policies > Credential Store) as
# the value of the 'name' parameter in section [credential_store]. To retrieve a
# parameter from this Credential Store, type the $ character as the value of
# a parameter in this configuration file. To use the $ character as value,
# type $$ instead. For more information, read the "Store sensitive plugin data
# securely" section in the Tutorial document.

# Name of the local credential store configured in SPS for hosting sensitive
# configuration data. For more information, read the "Store sensitive
# plugin data securely" section in the Tutorial document.
; name=<name-of-credential-store-policy-that-hosts-sensitive-data>

# To configure the log level, enter one of the following values:
# 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'
; log_level=info

# To set the HTTPS proxy environment for the plugin, configure the following.
; server=<proxy-server-name-or-ip>
; port=3128
; username=<proxy-server-username>
; password=<proxy-server-password>

# To override the prompt when using 2FA/MFA, enter the new prompt below.
; prompt=Press Enter for push notification or type one-time password:

# For better security, you can hide the characters (OTP or password) that the
# user types after the prompt.
# To hide the characters, set 'disable_echo' to 'yes'.
; disable_echo=no

[connection_limit by=client_ip_gateway_user]
# To limit the number of parallel sessions the gateway user can start from a
# given client IP address, configure 'limit'. For an unlimited number of
# sessions, type '0'.
; limit=0

# CAUTION: Do not configure this section unless you know exactly what you are
# doing. For more information, read the "[authentication_cache]" section in the
# Tutorial document.
; hard_timeout=90
; soft_timeout=15
; reuse_limit=0

# The [whitelist source=user_list] and [whitelist source=ldap_server_group]
# sections allow configuring authentication whitelists based on a User List
# policy or an LDAP Server policy. These two sections are independent, any of
# the two can be configured and can allow the user to bypass 2FA/MFA
# authentication.

[whitelist source=user_list]
# The [whitelist source=user_list] section allows whitelisting users based on a
# User List policy configured in SPS (Policies > User Lists). To enable this
# whitelist, configure one of the use cases below.
# IMPORTANT: the user names are compared to the User List in a case-sensitive
# manner.

# Use case #1: To allow specific users to connect without providing 2FA/MFA
# credentials, the User List policy should have the following settings:
# Set 'Allow' to 'No user' and list the users in the 'Except' list. Then type
# the name of this User List policy as the value of the 'name' parameter here.
; name=<name-of-user-list-policy>

# Use case #2: To enforce 2FA/MFA authentication for selected users, the User
# List policy should have the following settings: Set 'Allow' to 'All users' and
# list the users in the 'Except' list. Then type the name of this User List
# policy as the value of the 'name' parameter here.
; name=<name-of-user-list-policy>

[whitelist source=ldap_server_group]
# The [whitelist source=ldap_server_group] section allows whitelisting users
# based on LDAP Server group membership, To enable this whitelist, configure one
# of the use cases below.
# IMPORTANT: the user names and groups are compared in LDAP in a
# case-insensitive manner.

# Use case #1: To allow members of specific LDAP/AD group(s) to connect without
# providing 2FA/MFA credentials, type the names of these LDAP/AD groups as
# values of the 'except' parameter and set the 'allow' parameter to 'no_user':
; allow=no_user
; except=<group-1>,<group-2>,...

# Use case #2: To enforce 2FA/MFA authentication only on members of specific
# LDAP/AD groups, type the names of these LDAP/AD groups as values of the
# 'except' parameter and set the 'allow' parameter to 'all_users'.
; allow=all_users
; except=<group-1>,<group-2>,...

# Usually the gateway user and the external 2FA/MFA identity are different.
# Because the authentication is based on the 2FA/MFA identity, to be able to
# authenticate with the gateway user, you will have to map these two to each
# other. The following methods are possible: explicit and LDAP server.
# The explicit method has priority over the LDAP server method.
# If there is no [USERMAPPING] and no [username_transform], then the 2FA/MFA
# identity will be the same as the gateway user name.

[usermapping source=explicit]
# To map the gateway user name to an external 2FA/MFA identity, configure the
# following name-value pairs.
# NOTE: Type the user names in lowercase.
; <user-name-1>=<id-1>
; <user-name-2>=<id-2>

[usermapping source=ldap_server]
# To map the gateway user name (that is in LDAP/AD and has a non-empty UTF8
# attribute string) to an external 2FA/MFA identity, configure the
# 'user_attribute' parameter the following way:
# It must be an LDAP/AD user attribute that contains the external identity.
# Example: description, cn, mail. For a complete list consult
# IMPORTANT: you must configure the name of the LDAP/AD server policy in
# the [ldap_server] section.
; user_attribute=description

# If the 2FA/MFA service requires the use of domain name in the external
# 2FA/MFA identity, configure the 'append_domain' parameter. This will append
# the domain name after the external 2FA/MFA identity with a '@' character.
# For example, if 'append_domain' is set to '', then ''
# will be appended to the external identity.
# If you have configured [USERMAPPING], the [username_transform] process will
# run after the [usermapping] process.
; append_domain=<domain-without-at-sign>

# Required if you have configured [whitelist source=ldap_server_group] or
# [usermapping source=ldap_server].
# The name of the LDAP server policy (Policies > LDAP Servers).
; name=<name-of-LDAP-server-policy>

# IMPORTANT: To configure this optional section, contact our Support Team.
# To request additional information from the user (for example, ticket number)
# define one or more [question_] section (for example, [question_1],
# [question_2]). The user input will be stored under the value of 'key' in the
# 'questions' section of the session cookie.
; prompt=<prompt-to-show-to-the-user>
; key=<target-key-for-the-answer>

# For better security, you can hide the characters that the user types after the
# prompt. To hide the characters, set 'disable_echo' to 'yes'.
; disable_echo=yes

New in version 1.4.0. HTTPS proxy configuration can be overridden from plugin config, and password can be stored in a credential store.