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8. Credential Store plugin development

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8.2. Plugin development

8.1. Common configuration options

The common credential store plugin functionality can be configured by the following configuration options.

###### Common plugin options ######
# To enable or change a parameter, uncomment its line by removing the ';'
# character and replacing the right side of '=' with the desired value.
# If the parameter has the following structure
# ; name=<value>
# then the related option is turned off until you replace '<value>'.
# If the parameter has the following structure
# ; name=value
# then the related option is is automatically turned on with the default value
# of 'value'.
# To handle sensitive data, you can use a local Credential Store to retrieve
# parameters from.
# Enter the name of the local Credential Store (Policies > Credential Store) as
# the value of the 'name' parameter in section [credential_store]. To retrieve a
# parameter from this Credential Store, type the $ character as the value of
# a parameter in this configuration file. To use the $ character as value,
# type $$ instead. For more information, read the "Store sensitive plugin data
# securely" section in the Tutorial document.

# Name of the local credential store configured in SPS for hosting sensitive
# configuration data. For more information, read the "Store sensitive
# plugin data securely" section in the Tutorial document.
; name=<name-of-credential-store-policy-that-hosts-sensitive-data>

# To configure the log level, enter one of the following values:
# 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'
; log_level=info

# To set the HTTPS proxy environment for the plugin, configure the following.
; enabled=yes
; server=<proxy-server-name-or-ip>
; port=3128
; username=<proxy-server-username>
; password=<proxy-server-password>

# Set to 'no' to disable TLS completely
# Default is 'yes'
; enabled = yes

# Set this option to enable client side verification. Certificate from the
# server will be checked with this CA. If the value of the option is `$[<name>]`
# the certificates are retrieved from the trusted CA list configured on the SPS,
# identified by the name. When the certificate is given in the configuration, it
# should be in PEM format and all the new lines must be indented with one
# whitespace. If it is a chain, put the certificates right after each other.
; ca_cert = <ca-certificate-chain>
; ca_cert = $[<trusted_ca_list_name>]

# Client certificate, set this if verification is enabled on server side
# If the value of the option is `$` the certificate identified by the section
# and option pair is retrieved from the configured credential store. When the
# certificate and private key is given in the configuration it should be in
# PEM format and all the new lines must be indented with one whitespace. Note
# that encrypted keys are not supported.
; client_cert = <client-certificate-and-key>

# The check-in-trigger selects when the credentials are checked in. The choices
# are 'session-ended' or 'authentication-completed'. The 'default' parameter
# applies to all protocols, but may be overruled per protocol.
; default=session-ended
; rdp=session-ended
; ssh=session-ended
; telnet=session-ended

# You can configure a prefix and/or suffix that will be attached to the generated account identifier
# that should be checked out.
; prefix=<value>
; suffix=<value>

# You can configure one or multiple generator functions which will generate assets for the credential fetching method
# <method> is one of ip, hostname, domain, domain_asset_mapping or you can use any custom written generator method.
# You should implement your method in your plugin and then you can configure the method name here to use it.
; generator=<method>(,<method>)*

# You can configure a domain suffix that will be attached to generated hostname and domain assets
# It should be given without a leading "."
; domain_suffix=<domain>

# Define domain -> asset identifier pairs if the asset is stored for an alternatively named directory
# compared to the user domain.
; <asset>=<domain>

New in version 1.4.0. HTTPS proxy configuration can be overridden from plugin config, and password can be stored in a credential store.