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3. Introduction

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5. pluginv

4. Getting started

To begin developing with the Plugin SDK the following components are required:

  • working Pipenv tool,

  • working Python 3.6 interpreter,

  • a downloaded copy of the Plugin SDK development package.

To download the Plugin SDK, visit the Download software page on the One Identity home page. Note that to download software you need to have a registered support account.

4.1. Starting from a plugin skeleton

There is a basic AA plugin skeleton on that can be used as a starting point for the next steps.

4.2. Starting from scratch

If you prefer to start from scratch, create a Pipfile that contains at least these lines:



python_version = "3.6"

4.3. Preparing the python environment

Build a python virtual environment which will be used to develop and test the plugin:

pipenv install -d

To (re)install the Plugin SDK replace <path-to-plugin-sdk-tar-gz> with the actual location of the downloaded Plugin SDK package and run the following command:

pipenv run pip install -U <path-to-plugin-sdk-tar-gz>

Note that by installing the Plugin SDK it will install its dependencies as well, including selected Python packages with the same version as found on a the SPS appliance.

This step need not be repeated unless a new Plugin SDK is installed or the dependencies of the plugin change.

4.4. Using the python environment

Create the necessary MANIFEST file for the plugin and add a source file, for example

The code in is now usable together with the Plugin SDK inside the virtual environment. To build a snapshot plugin ZIP package, execute the following commands:

pipenv run pluginv dist

The resulting file will be in the dist directory, ready for upload to a Safeguard for Privileged Sessions appliance.